
15 September 2006

Tom was working at the EC1 Music Project in Old Street, Islington, recording the music of several people he knew. They had been joined for the recording by one of their friends. While Tom was relaxing, from behind, this young man attacked him with a knife. The others fled, leaving Tom alone with his killer, who stabbed him repeatedly.

While they ran from the premises they called the police, who alerted the paramedics. By the time they found Tom, his killer had fled. The paramedics used emergency procedures to keep Tom alive, but they were unsuccessful and he died before they could take him to hospital.

16 September 2006

Tom’s killer, Barrington McKenzie, was caught and charged by the police.

25 September 2006

Tom was buried on what would have been his 23rd birthday.

21 December 2007

Barrington McKenzie was found guilty of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility and sentenced to be detained under the Mental Health Act for an unlimited period of time.

26 March 2008

The East London and City University Mental Health NHS Trust met Tom’s mother and formally conveyed its condolences to the family 18 months after his death, and explained that a confidential internal investigation had taken buy valium online sidney place immediately after his killing.

7 May 2008

The Mental Health Trust sent Tom’s mother a summary of the findings of its internal investigation.

1 November 2008

Tom’s mother formally requested a copy of the internal report.

9 December 2008

The Mental Health Trust refused to supply a copy of the internal report on the grounds that its release would “undermine and prejudice the effectiveness of such reports in the future”, and that “the prospect of disclosure to the general public would inhibit the candid and robust discussions that are required to prepare such documents.”

22 December 2008

Tom’s mother met the independent Investigation Panel commissioned by NHS London to investigate the care and treatment received by Barrington McKenzie prior to killing Tom.

13 April 2009

Tom’s mother asked the London Strategic Health Authority to include all names in full when it publishes the External Investigation Report.

25 February 2010

NHS London publishes its Independent Inquiry into the care and treatment of Barrington McKenzie. See the family’s response here.

24 March 2011

The first Mental Health Tribunal (triggered at 3 years) to determine whether McKenzie is still a danger to the public. Tom’s mother prepared another impact statement, but it will not affect the decision-making process.